Paris report, surprises & new book

Here I am, back from Rio (stories of my wonderful trip will arrive shortly) and I have good news to share.

First, I had the joy of finding my last book at the Livraria da Travessa, the most beautiful chain of libraries in Rio (it’s the book on the shelf in the picture). It always makes an author happy to discover his/her books at the other end of the world. One imagines someone taking it in their hands, someone you absolutely do not know and have almost no chances of ever meeting, who lives an existence completely different to yours, thousands of kilometers away… It’s magic and terribly motivating. Also, I was delighted to think that could happen in Rio, where I lived, and which is one of my favorite cities in the world.

As soon as I got back to Paris, another good surprise: my new book had arrived at my publisher’s office in Paris!

In my story, I added a few pictures of my upcoming book, as well as one of Valérie who corrects my original texts in Paris (my publisher has an office in Paris and NYC – Assouline) and one of Cécile, who takes care of my books (and gift packages) in the Assouline shop, 35 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris. 01 43 29 23 20.
Without her – and all the others who take care of my writings -, my books wouldn’t be what they are, and I truly thank them for that.

The upcoming book? 24 amazing destinations, travel stories which will make you go around the world, souvenirs, pictures even more impressive than in my previous books, and extraordinary hotels to be in contact with nature. Lots of places described in my book are on the World Heritage List of the UNESCO. Because this book is about astonishing natural sites of Wyoming, Alaska, France, and more, as well as protection and environement. These topics are close to my heart as I will always be a girl of the Chilean countryside, very attached to the beauty and preservation of our world. I suppose everyone stays close, deep inside, to the country or land where they spent their childhood… The book is entitled Escape Hotel Stories in English, Echappées Belles in French. And you can already see it on:
Barnes & Noble
and numerous other websites if you google it. You can also pre-order it now!

Last great surprise, for the Association Chirurgie Plus this time. As you know this non-profit organization is very important to me. Hubert Le Gall, a great friend and renowned talented French designer, created a perfumed candle (it actually is a work of art) of which part of the sales will go to support Chirurgie Plus. It is available in the particularly reffined Parisian shop Quintessence (close to my publisher’s shop… everything happens for a reason!), 38 rue de l’Université Paris 75006. Tel : 33 1 42 84 32 05 and Hubert Le Gall – a big thanks to all of them.

This is it for the last news.

The drawings of myself on this blog post were made by the wonderful illustrator François Avril for a series of stories on the flea markets around the world which I wrote a few years back in Air France Magazine. The series became a book ( and Amazon) and since I found it the other day, I thought it would be nice to share it with you.

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4 réponses à Paris report, surprises & new book

  1. Pippa dit :

    Cant wait to read this book and add it to my collection.

  2. Bonsoir Francisca – what a great post. The drawings are fabulous and I have preordered your book! Congratulations on the soon to be new addition to your collection.

  3. Sophia dit :

    WOW your book looks amazing ! Have preordered it ! A bientotxxx

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